Electric distribution networks mainly deliver the electric power from the high-voltage transmission system to the consumers. In these networks, the R/X ratio is significantly high compared to transmission systems hence power loss is high (about 10–13% of the generated power). Moreover, poor quality of power including the voltage profile and voltage stability issues may arise. The inclusion of shunt capacitors and distributed Flexible ac transmission system (D-FACTS) devices can significantly enhance the performance of distribution networks by providing the required reactive power. D-FACTS include different members such as distributed static compensator (DSTATCOM), Distribution Static Var Compensator (D-SVC) and unified power quality conditioner (UPQC). Optimal allocation of these controllers in the distribution networks is an important task for power loss minimizing, voltage profile improvement, voltage stability enhancement, reducing the overall system costs and maximizing the system load ability and reliability. This Matlab design is based on optimization techniques called Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm (GOA) and Harmony Search Algorithm (HAS) to determine the optimal locations and sizes of DSTATCOMs.

Design Details

• Determine the optimal locations and sizes of DSTATCOMs to minimize the total loss and improve the voltage profile.

• Objective function based on equation 12.54(Reference Paper)

• IEEE-69 Bus System

• Three-phase network with several Single-phase Solar PVs.

• Design based on the three-phase load flow method

• Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm and Harmony Search Algorithm

Result Evaluations

• Simulation results of the bus system at different loadings (100% ,75% ,50% )

• Obtained results for optimal allocation of DSTATCOM using optimization techniques

• Voltage before and after DSTATCOM

• Power before and after DSTATCOM

• Convergence graph

Reference Paper: Optimal Allocation of Compensators

Author’s Name: Mohamed Ebeed, Salah Kamel, Shady H. E. Abdel Aleem and Almoataz Y. Abdelaziz

Source: Springer-Electric Distribution Network Planning (pp.321-353)


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SIMULATION VIDEO DEMO-Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm

SIMULATION VIDEO DEMO-Harmony Search Algorithm

SIMULATION VIDEO DEMO-Grasshopper Optimization Algorithm and Harmony Search Algorithm